Monday, 4 February 2013

Richard III - House of York

Amazingly, bones that had been found last year buried in a carpark in Leicester, thought to have been Richard III - English (Plantagenet) monarch from 1483-5, have been confirmed as being those of Richard. A carbon dating process was used, and his DNA was actually matched with a maternal relative, still living.    Seemingly, the body was buried without shroud or coffin, in a Franciscan friary (Greyfriars Church?) which over time became a carpark!  The skull found, appears to have been battle damaged and a metal arrowhead was found lodged in his spine. 

The bones have been dated to a man of between 20 and 33 - Richard was about 32 when he died at The Battle of Bosworth Field.  Although he did not have a hunchback, he seems to have had curvature of the spine (scoliosis).  
Obviously more details to come in the Press. ..........    A-mazing.

! This photo has been published today (5th Feb.2013) as the reconstructed face of Richard lll !
He doesn't seem to have the face of a villain!

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