Original Pic.

Original pic.

Photoshop efforts -

I usually photoshop pics. with the idea of using them as another composition for either painting or embroidery/textile, stitching, maybe beadwork, etc. More often than not, I just end up liking the Photoshopped pictures, and dont do much with them ...... but it is fun making them, as you dont always know quite what the result is going to be.
Some doodles ..............
Have you seen the Spoonflower blog? You need to enter some of their fabric design contests! Your doodles are great. How did you do that Photoshop effect?
Hi Judy - basically I used 'cutout' and 'posterize'. I also use Powerpoint to place them in position, then copied and jpg'd them! I tend to use a few different programmes to get what I want.
Wow, I love what you did with Photoshop. Amazing pics with so many different images coming through.
Your art is awesome.
Thanks so much for your lovely comment.
Love your creations in this post Shirley. The orange patterns are great. I use "cutout" in PS quite a bit as I love the graphic"ness" you get from the result. I think it would be quite easy to do acrylic or gouache paintings from them.
Cathy- thank you. You're right it would be good to do some more work from them - I just have to get off my **** and make a start!
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